Burning Coal - Artistic Director's Page

Burning Coal Artistic Director Jerome Davis weighs in on topics theatrical and otherwise.....NEW RULE: ONLY RESPONSES THAT SHOW FULL NAME OF BLOGGER WILL BE POSTED ON THIS SITE. - JD

Monday, January 29, 2007

WRITE YOUR OWN REVIEW of Burning Coal's production of PENTECOST. Say what you think, say what you mean, send e-roses or e-barbs - then sign your name so we'll know who's talking at us!

Just click on "comments" immediately below this blog, sharpen your quill, and go to work!
-Jerome Davis/Burning Coal


Blogger Debbie S said...

So glad I caught the final performance of this play; a journey to post-Communism eastern Europe and its social upheavals, AND an intense Art History lesson. Thoroughly enjoyed the large and interesting cast of characters and the talented and committed company. The play presents a vast anount of factual information and really intricate intellectual argument - because of that, it would have benefitted from a slower pace at times. There were some moments in the play when I momentarily lost my connection with it because speeches were so fast it was hard to believe they were the characters' spontaneous expression of thoughts, and I felt as though important asides and details might be missed. Few of us can expound our beliefs and passions at the speed 3rd Graders recite Hail Marys, even in our native tongue, and most of the characters were speaking English as a second or third language.

A very accomplished, entertaining, and thought provoking exploration of the Politics of Art and the Art of Politics! Thank you.

12:20 AM  

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